Monday, March 21, 2011

Side Effects

One of the unforeseen side effects of my almost-four years in Japan is a tendency to care a bit too much about What Other People Think of Me.

I'm not saying that I want to live in a world where I stop caring completely about WOPTOM (handy acronyms! Woohoo!), but I would like to Stop Caring What Other People Think of Me (SCWOPTOM) so much.

For instance - last night, I had a very vivid dream where I went back to the Gakuen to teach again, and spent the whole time wearing long-sleeved turtleneck shirts and socks so that none of my tattoos would be visible. I woke up exhausted from the effort of disguising myself.

That's just a minor example. I can't really discuss any of the others, the Real Time examples, because they all involve Real Time situations that are best left out of this blog.


I got derailed mid-thought, and don't remember where I was going with this.

Do you have any suggestions on how to SCWOPTOM?

Friday, March 11, 2011


If I can get the person I am inviting to the Festival to actually come to the Festival...I will make him a quilt like the one I gave to the Youth Group.

If Person 1 can't come...I will move on to Person 2.

If Person 2 can't come...I will have a bit of a sulk and cry, and then I will pick myself up, dust myself off, and figure something else out.

Because I'm just that hardcore. I'm just that punk. Take that, naysayers.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Where have I been?


I spent the last week rushing through a project with a very tight deadline. Self-imposed project/deadline, for sure, but still...

You see, the Youth Group here in Faro is going to Ottawa over March Break to attend a conference (either TYPS or BYTE, I can't remember - too many acronyms!), and they have been doing a lot of fundraising. They had a pancake breakfast on Saturday, and a skate-a-thon that same morning. Based on the donations they had received from around town, they collectively had to skate 1,157 laps. I'm not sure if they made it, as I was only there for a fifteen minute cram pancakes down gullet break in my quilting.

At the community potluck that night, there was going to be a silent auction. A week before this, I had the brilliant idea to throw together a small lap-quilt/wall-hanging to offer as a donation. It was a fantastic idea...but it meant that I spent every waking hour working. Barely time to sleep, barely time to eat - I was a quilting machine.*

I finished the quilting portion of the project about an hour before the potluck, but I still had to attach the binding. I had to try the new-to-me technique of machine-binding both sides of the binding strip. Luckily, I did not mess it up the way I half expected I would. I finished binding it ten minutes before the potluck.

But I still had to wash it! And dry it! If I brought it in as it was, it would have looked awful, all covered with white marker and cat hair. So I wound up half an hour late to dinner, and not as many people got the chance to look at it. And I completely forgot to take any photos.

But Tina was the one who won it in the auction, and she is bringing it back to me so I can add a hanging sleeve to the back, so there will be photos in the near future. And hopefully this means a vacation from quilting until midnight every night ^_^

*Lord, I wish I had a quilting machine.