Wednesday, December 7, 2011

So Tired...

I took the afternoon off work, and H and I drove our dogs down Blind Creek Road. We parked about halfway between the turnoff for the Sheep Viewing Cabin and the eponymous Creek, let the dogs out of the trucks, and proceeded to walk behind them as they ran and jumped and did dog-things. We pretended to be scared of them when they came tearing back toward us ("Ah! They have rabies! Ah!"), lured them to rest with bacon (jerky treats, not real bacon), and shot the breeze about dog-stuff.

I worry that I am not providing the kind of home that Aki deserves...and then I remind myself that he probably would have been eaten by a wolf some time over the last month if I hadn't taken him, so he's doing pretty well.

Anywhoo, the end result of our walk is that Aki is asleep in his crate, the cats are asleep on my feet, and I will be asleep shortly after I put the laptop down and turn out the light.

Not bad, for a Wednesday.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holidays are Near...

Less than 3 weeks until I get a whole week of vacation! I wake up every morning almost delirious at the thought of time off.

You see, except for a couple of trips to WH for groceries/shopping, and the three days I took off over my birthday, I haven't had a significant vacation since...well, last Christmas. And I am tired.

I'm trying to work some heavy-duty house-cleaning in over the next couple of weeks, so that by the time 12:00pm December 23 rolls around, I won't have to do anything but play with the dog, work on some quilts, and eat stuffing constantly. (I'm going to stock up.)

So ridiculously excited!