Friday, February 11, 2011

The Wrong Pants

I'm at a kind of awkward stage in my body at the moment. My old jeans are too big. Not too too big, but stretched and saggy. When I bought new jeans, I bought a size down, because I was determined not to buy the same size and have them do the stretched and baggy thing to me immediately.

Unfortunately, the size down are just a touch snug.

Okay, that's not true. They're fine in the legs and butt (although maybe a bit short, this style didn't have the long option that my old style did), but there is some severe muffin-top action happening up top. Severe enough that I'm glad to be alone in the office today as I attempt to stretch the waist out a bit.

It's just putting me in a really bad mood. I know I'm not thin. I'm pretty sure my body was not designed to be thin. I've got broad hips and shoulders, and that's okay. I'm more concerned with getting healthy than I am with getting *thin* - but, damn these pants are making me unhappy today.

I guess I'll be making the switch to my stretched and saggy pants at lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Same issues at my house!! Old pants too big, other pants not quite comfy. Blah.
