Goodness, is it Tuesday already? Where did the weekend go? Where did the time go?
My parents will be arriving in Whitehorse tomorrow. Tonight is a Council Meeting (hurray, hurray), so I will not have much time in the evening for doing the remainder of my cleaning. I have Kara's vacuum, so I guess that's what I'll be doing at lunch.
I'm excited for M&D to get here, and for my fuzzy mens (Rodney and Pakuchi) to finally be here. I'm excited about time off, although I think I will be coming to work on Friday anyway because of meetings (if so, I am taking a day in lieu after my parents go).
I need to chop more firewood at lunch. That'll be pretty - me in a sundress and Sketchers, wielding my trusty axe. Too bad no one will be around with a camera ^_^
The other reason I'm excited is that I enrolled in the Social Media course over at Tourism Currents to help me figure out how to use social media to help promote the town. I'm paying for it out of my own pocket, because I don't want to sit through endless meetings trying to explain why I think it's important.
The ladies who run the site are amazing - I was having trouble registering myself after I had paid, so I dropped an email off to their admin address. Within ten minutes, they had contacted me, fixed the problem, and thanked me for helping them fix the bug in their system. One of them even gave me her cell number in case there was a problem and I couldn't contact them by email. That, my friends, is a class act.
So, in the near future, I may be able to promote Faro to the max with mad social media skillz. Look out, Internetz!
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