I'm writing this here so I won't forget by the time I get up tomorrow.
1 - Make signs with shuttle times
1.1 - Make signs with tour times
1.3 - Get shuttle times to J at DVG
1.4 - Make signs for Weight Room for Saturday night
1.5 - Make up GCs for ARAS Silent Auction
2 - Call ARAS to confirm table for Sheep Cabin, and to pick up 1.5
3 - Call PW to make sure table makes it out there
4 - Panic a little
5 - Calm down
6 - Find out for certain when the Fire Marshal is coming
7 - Find 50/50 tickets for draw at BBQ
8 - Have tea
9 - Roll posters in elastic
10 - Seriously, what was I thinking?
11 - Call B&Bs, find out if they want brochures
12 - If H brought tissue paper, wrap gifts
13 - If not, have a little cry under desk
14 - Write cards to go with gifts
15 - Find out about finances re: GC Breakfast
16 - Is that guy going to bring a guitar to the BBQ?
17 - I am going to be so sick on Sunday night, I can just tell
18 - Make sure everyone has my cell phone number
19 - Remember to turn cell phone on
20 - Find out if CRIC needs more maps/brochures
21 - Make sure laptop and projector have all their cords and stuff
22 - There will be enough salad
23 - Print up Sheep thing for CRIC on the nice paper
24 - Talk to K when she comes in for our meeting with CA - see if she can think of anything.
Man, I am to the point now where I just want this to be over.
I love #10!