Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Rodney is curled up in the boat, head tucked up to his feet, peering at me through one squinchy eye.

Paku is curled up on my unmade bed, burrowed down into the duvet.

In the midst of the peace and quiet, I am working on some therapy. I'm getting in touch with my inner bitch, and we're having a chat about appropriate/inappropriate reactions to news, stress, and life in general. We're talking about hormones, and how they wreak havoc with emotions, how they cross our wires and make us say things we don't mean and think things we'd never say.

And now I'm going to throw some logs on the fire, curl up under my quilt-in-progress, and get on with it.


  1. My inner bitch has anger management issues. But she's an okay gal anyway.
