Monday, April 25, 2011


I appear to have caused myself some difficulty with my last post. While it is true that I have an extensive array of TV and movie quotes to draw from, it is actually really hard to come up with one that fits with a particular blog entry. So I am either going to have to stop writing, or come up with titles that have no bearing on the body of the entry.


At any rate, we are at the end of a long weekend. Four days off, and while that seemed unthinkably long on Thursday evening, it seems all too short on Sunday night. I could use another day or two, really.

Friday, I learned how to do my taxes, had a nice drive to Carmacks with H, and picked up the posters for the Crane & Sheep Festival. Saturday, I had a headache - probably because I stayed inside and didn't venture out to enjoy the nice weather. Sunday, I cleaned house like a madwoman, and today I had a visitor for tea and spent the rest of the day quilting.

Obviously, I need more time off.

I'm potentially having a visitor the weekend of the C&S, and I wanted to make sure my house was clean and tidy before she gets here. That being said, two weeks is just too far away for the threat of visitation to really register with me to get Cleanstravaganza happening, so I had to kick the terror level up a notch. That was achieved by inviting Kara over*. I even vaccuumed.

Now I'm wondering if I should throw a load of laundry in before putting on my sleep mask** and catching some zzzzzs.

*Not that having you over was terrifying, Kara - I'm just working on lowering the Fortress of Solitude levels of my house.
**By sleep mask I actually mean bandana tied around my head. If anyone wants to buy me a real sleep mask, I wouldn't object.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

When you've drawn blood, you've exfoliated

I've decided that, from now on, all of my blog entries will have titles drawn from the vast collection of TV quotes I have amassed over the years. Today's is drawn (haha, you see what I did there?) from an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

It's also topical, because I totally over-exfoliated earlier this week, and wound up with scabby arms. It was my OCD tendencies taking over - I kept going, even after I could feel that my arms were scratched. This is not the first time such a thing has happened.

Oh, no - we're getting to the bit in Eragon where Brom (Jeremy Irons) dies. Oh, sorry if you haven't seen it already - that was a total spoiler. I'm not going to lie, I'm weeping. Predictable and derivative as the movie/book can be, I always cry when Brom dies.

Life progresses, here in Faro. My work on the Festival continues, there are Council meetings and special meetings and sometimes I wonder if there will ever be a day without a meeting, and summer is approaching rapidly. Will the cranes come? Will my keynote speaker be well received? Will I have to flip moose-burgers at the Wild Game BBQ when what I'd prefer to be doing is having a nervous breakdown? Only time will tell.

Sleep is the next item on the agenda. Not enough time, really, but it must be taken when the chance exists ^_^

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Homeward Bound

I've learned a lot this week in Whitehorse.

I managed to navigate the city streets with far less anxiety than I normally do on my flying trips to town. I haven't had a single near miss (although now that I've typed that, I'm likely to get in fender bender on my way to the Superstore). I still feel like maybe there should be a sign on top of my truck that says, "Uneasy in traffic - please be cautious around me," but who couldn't use a sign like that sometimes?

I was afraid, going in to the course. Anxious. But I gradually managed to calm down, and I learned so much. I'm hoping I can translate some of what I learned into tactics for the CRIC. I'd really like that.

So, I have to stop at Staples to test-drive office chairs, pick up paper and blank invitations for the C&S, and get some fresh groceries. When I get home, there will be new quilts to ponder and work to prepare for.

As Martha Stewart would say, it's a good thing ^_^

Saturday, April 9, 2011


My presentation went very well, nerves notwithstanding. It was suggested by the teacher and my fellow students that I present it to my bosses and see what they think. w00t w00t!

I visited Bear's Paw Quilts, and walked away with a bag of swag that fills my shrivelled heart with glee - new stencils, a permanent marker for making labels, and the last 2.9m of that fabulous black batik with the moose and bears, which I will use to make some fantastic quilts for sale. I also bought the Sudoku quilt pattern and a pre-cut selection of fabrics with which to make it. Whee!

I'm just waiting for my dinner to arrive (I had to order Chinese, because when else am I going to get the chance?) and after dinner I'm heading over to Walmart to pick up the vast majority of my non-perishable goods. Kidney beans, I am looking in your direction ^_^

All in all, I think we can call this week-long trip a success.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Work, Veg, Sleep

I haven't really done much in Whitehorse, other than attend my course.

I come back to the hotel, do my homework, watch TV, and sleep. By the time I'm finished the course, it's all I can do to get the homework done. School is exhausting - now I remember why I slept so hard for four years.

All the homework assignments are building up to Saturday's presentation of a business plan for the CRIC. It's not necessarily the actual plan the CRIC will be following, since I'm the only one with input, but for the purposes of the course, it's the real deal.

Ugh, I will have to stand up in front of the class and present it...double ugh.

My goal is to have the presentation finished Friday before class ends, and then I am heading over to Bear's Paw Quilts for a little fabric therapy. I'm on the lookout for cheap flannel, northern batiks, and anything else that catches my eye. Oooh, maybe even some thread!*

Saturday evening will be shopping for non-perishables, and Sunday morning is perishable consumables. Then I'm on the road and back to Faro...and I probably won't be back to WH for another two months. I may have hit my WH limit for the year already ^_^

*Thread nerd ^_^

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This course is really wiping me out.

It's not that it's hard like memorizing the dates of ancient wars or conjugating Latin verbs in several tenses (ugh, my ulcer just gave a little Latin flare-up just thinking about it), but it's hard in its own way.

Some of the concepts seem so foreign to me, and I'm not sure how to apply them to the CRIC, and have I ever mentioned how much I hate numbers? Because I do...unless they are Fibonacci numbers, which are just neat. And I am learning some neat Vedic math tricks - ditto on neatness.

What was I saying again? Oh, yeah. Not sure how I am doing, but I've passed the halfway mark, so that's good.

I had dinner with Leo and Esther last night, and they plied me with wine and baked brie with red peppper jelly on crackers. I could have eaten the entire wheel of brie myself, it was so good. It's good to be classy.

Now for some sleep. Let us hope the person who woke me at 4:30 this morning with a telephone call that was meant for the girl in the next room doesn't call again. I'm practically incoherent with exhaustion as it is.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back to School

So, I'm heading out to Whitehorse in a couple of hours. I'm wavering between excitement and anxiety. (That is an almost daily waver, by the way.)

I'm taking a course on Financial Management in Cultural Organizations, which is supposed to help me with the parts of my job that are related to the Interpretive Centre. All I know is, there are a bunch of readings to be read, and some prepatory assignments to be handed in, and I need to get them finished before I leave town so I can print them out when I stop at the office. (Again. I swear, by the time I go I will have spent just as much time in the office this weekend as I did on Friday.)

So, exciting, right? Yeah, totally...except for my feelings of panic re: all the other stuff I need to be doing at the moment, which I won't be doing when I'm in WH. Or worse, that I'll be trying to do while I'm in WH, while simulatneously trying to pass my course.

In the middle of all this anxcitement (excienty? there isn't a really good mashup word yet), there had better be some shrimp sushi, is all I'm saying.