Monday, April 25, 2011


I appear to have caused myself some difficulty with my last post. While it is true that I have an extensive array of TV and movie quotes to draw from, it is actually really hard to come up with one that fits with a particular blog entry. So I am either going to have to stop writing, or come up with titles that have no bearing on the body of the entry.


At any rate, we are at the end of a long weekend. Four days off, and while that seemed unthinkably long on Thursday evening, it seems all too short on Sunday night. I could use another day or two, really.

Friday, I learned how to do my taxes, had a nice drive to Carmacks with H, and picked up the posters for the Crane & Sheep Festival. Saturday, I had a headache - probably because I stayed inside and didn't venture out to enjoy the nice weather. Sunday, I cleaned house like a madwoman, and today I had a visitor for tea and spent the rest of the day quilting.

Obviously, I need more time off.

I'm potentially having a visitor the weekend of the C&S, and I wanted to make sure my house was clean and tidy before she gets here. That being said, two weeks is just too far away for the threat of visitation to really register with me to get Cleanstravaganza happening, so I had to kick the terror level up a notch. That was achieved by inviting Kara over*. I even vaccuumed.

Now I'm wondering if I should throw a load of laundry in before putting on my sleep mask** and catching some zzzzzs.

*Not that having you over was terrifying, Kara - I'm just working on lowering the Fortress of Solitude levels of my house.
**By sleep mask I actually mean bandana tied around my head. If anyone wants to buy me a real sleep mask, I wouldn't object.

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