Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I would like to reach into my chest and rip my esophagus out.

I don't know where the heartburn came from, but I would like it to go away so I can concentrate on more important problems like: aside from being famewhores, who are the Kardashians and why should I care about who they would pick to play them in a movie about their lives? Nobody cares that ten years ago, I chose Clare Danes to play me in a movie about my life...trust me, it would have been a pretty boring movie.

I wonder what life was like before it was possible to be famous for nothing.

Strange news of the day? It turns out I went to the same high school as Northern Mama - she was in Grade 13 when I was in Grade 9, and I used to be friends with her younger sister. The world is smaller and smaller every day.

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