Sunday, February 28, 2010

A pleasant evening

I have a houseguest for the next three weeks.

His name is Oscar, and he is a small, black cat with a very fluffy tail. I took a picture of him, but all you see is a shadow on the back of the couch.

So happy!

I finished the Rainbow Quilt this weekend, and pieced a couple of scrap pieces (a wall-hanging, and something really tiny). I really, really need the new fabric to arrive in the mail, or I might take up smoking again. I need a project.

I think I have to start saving for a new computer. This one is frustrating me to no end, with its virus issues and weird keyboard. So difficult - computer or car, computer or car. I wish I were rich.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was richer too!!

    The rainbow quilt is absolutely fantastic. You have wicked skilz! hehehhe
