I booked some time off to go to Whitehorse next week, to look at a car and do a big grocery shop, and GO TO A BOOKSTORE (seriously, I may have to be physically restrained from throwing books on the ground and rolling on them, a la Demi Moore on a pile of money in that movie whose title escapes me at present).
I am also looking at social media as part of my job - is there a way I could use Twitter/Facebook/Blogger to advertise/promote the Town? Is there potential for trouble? (This is Faro, of course there is potential for trouble ^_^)
I have been reading a lot of articles at Small Biz Survival, and every time I do, I get excited. There are so many things we could do to promote the town that wouldn't cost a lot of money...but I don't know how to do things, or how people would react.
Lots to think on, on a warm Monday in the Yukon.
There is most definitely potential to promote this town! But you are right, always potential for trouble. Small towns are tough!