Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Argh! Download limits!

As a result of my friend Paulette's suggestion that I give Sharpe a watch, I have been downloading episodes like a mad fiend. As of yesterday at 4:00pm, I was at 19,286MB - but I didn't know that until this morning. I had downloaded another episode overnight, which will put me over the 20GB limit for the month...with 4 days left in April.


On the up side, May starts on Saturday, so I won't be denied the pleasure of watching the new Ashes to Ashes as I relax on the weekend.

I can see I will have to be a bit more prudent in the future.

Sharpe is really good - set during the war with France in the early 1800s, it is the story of man who rises from the ranks of the British Army through his heroic efforts. In the first episode, he saves the life of Sir Arthur Wellesley (who later becomes Lord Wellington) and is promoted to Lieutenant. Sharpe is not from the nobility, which is a huge social issue (he's not even from the gentry - his mother was a prostitute and he was raised on the streets), and throughout the first episode he struggles to win the respect of both his men and his fellow officers. He has a sense of honour but he fights dirty - he fights to win.

This is a roundabout way of saying that Richard Sharpe is a delightful bit of rough, which is a change from my other fictional Napoleonic-era boyfriend, Horatio Hornblower. HH is the son of a doctor who rises through the ranks of the Navy through his heroic actions. Unlike Sharpe, HH is only 17 at the beginning of the series, and he is a lot more of a gentleman than Sharpe.

What I'm trying to say is, expect a number of Napoleonic references from me for the next month or so. That's usually the length of one of my fits ^_^

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