Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesdays are trouble

When I said I wasn't going to buy any new food until I had used up some of the excessive amount of staples I have acquired through not knowing how to shop, I obviously neglected to say that Tuesdays before council meetings don't count. Because there is no way I am going to tonight's meeting until I have devoured that thin-crust pepperoni pie I just picked up. But when your choices are eat a pizza or start smoking again, it's not really a choice, is it?

The tricky thing about blogging is expressing yourself without saying too much, if you know what I mean. Good days become angry bees days just because one funny turtle opens its mouth.

Maybe Kennie is right, and I should install a punching bag in the office. Because my other option, install a bar in my living room, isn't going to happen.