Friday, April 9, 2010

Bring on the Sandra Bullock-fest

What a day.

I came back from WH yesterday, in my brand new truck, and I was doing my best to get through today. It was my boss's last day, and there was a potluck planned, and in typical high-school fashion, it was not good. And then there was an article in the news about our town that just made things worse.

Once again, I wonder why I came here. There are really good, nice people here, I just know it, but it is so hard to remember that on days like this.

I don't doubt that there are jerks at home - indeed, with a population almost the size of the entire Yukon, I'm sure Woodstock is full of them. But I didn't feel like I was constantly butting heads with people. Oh, apparently there's a rumour floating about town about moi - namely, I am actually an American, and I'm here without a work permit. Does this mean I'm being accepted?

So it's time for Sandra Bullock movies, a bottle of Wild Vines, and an early night.

On a tangent, I feel really bad for Sandra Bullock. Way worse than I normally feel when I hear celebrity gossip. Chin up, girl.


  1. Me too! I usually don't give a crap about that celebrity gossip, but man! She just got SOOO burnt! Chin up to you too! :)
